SA barometer : Fortnightly journal of current affairs statistics Johannesburg : WM Publications, 1987-1992 ISSN: 1018-3493 | |
SA crime quarterly Institute for Security Studies (Afrika) (Herausgebendes Organ) Pretoria : ISS, 2002- ISSN: 1991-3877 | |
SADC collection list Southern African Development Community (Herausgebendes Organ) Gaborone : SADC Secretariat Library, 1997- | |
SADC gender protocol ... barometer Southern African Development Community Johannesburg : Gender Links, [2014?]-, 2014- | |
SADCC energy = SADCC Energy Bulletin Southern African Development Coordination Conference (Herausgebendes Organ) Luanda, 1983- | |
SADCC macro-economic survey Southern African Development Coordination Conference (Herausgebendes Organ) Gaborone : SADCC, 1986- Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAA, Ae 330.191.4 SO
| |
Sahara libre République Arabe Sahraouie Démocratique (Herausgebendes Organ) Alger, 1975- ISSN: 1010-1659 | |
Sahara-Info Gesellschaft der Freunde des Sahrauischen Volkes (Herausgebendes Organ) Hamburg, 1980- ISSN: 0177-0969 | |
Sanlam's economic survey = Economic survey = Economic survey. 1988 - South African National Life Assurance 1988, 1988,Febr. - | |
Sarup-bhāvah-śreṣtha-kic-pī ... leeḥ-neev-nom-pī : = Thailand: economic performance in ... and outlook = Thailand: economic performance in ... and outlook 1979-1999, Nachgewiesen 1979/80(1979)=2522/23 - 1999/2000=2542/43; damit Ersch. eingest. | |
SATUCC news : A quarterly magazine for trade unions in Southern Africa Southern African Trade Union Co-ordinating Council (Herausgebendes Organ) Gaborone, 1999- | |
Savana : Seminario independente Maputo, 1994- | |
Savings and development Fondazione Giordano Dell'Amore (Milano) (Herausgebendes Organ) Milan, 1977- ISSN: 0393-4551 | |
Schriftenreihe Gerechtigkeit und Frieden : Arbeitspapier Deutsche Kommission Justitia et Pax (Bonn) (Herausgebendes Organ) Bonn : Deutsche Kommission Justitia et Pax | |
Science advances American Association for the Advancement of Science Washington, DC [u.a.] : Assoc, 2015-, 1.2015 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 2375-2548 | |
Science and public policy : journal of the Science Policy Foundation = SPP Science Policy Foundation Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1974-, 1.1974 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 1471-5430 | |
Science and technology in Japan Tokyo : Three I Publ. Ltd, 1982-, 1.1982 - ; auch mit durchgehender Nr.-Zählung ISSN: 0286-0406 | |
Science et technique : Revue trimestrielle de la recherche au Burkina Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (Ouagadougou) (Herausgebendes Organ) Ouagadougou, 1987- | |
SEATO record / South-East Asia Treaty Organization South-East Asia Treaty Organization 1960-, 1.1960/62 - | |
Security and safety Centre for Security Education and Research (Lagos) (Herausgebendes Organ) Lagos, 1997?- ISSN: 1118-8324 | |
Security dialogue London : Sage Publ, 1992-, 23.1992,3(Sept.) - ISSN: 0967-0106 | |
Security dialogue London [u.a.] : Sage Publ, 1992-, Vol. 23, no. 3 (September 1992)-. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 1460-3640 | |
Sekai = Sekai Tōkyō : Iwanami Shoten, 1946-, 1.1946 - 31.1976 = Nr. 1-373; 374.1977 - ISSN: 0582-4532 | |
Selam Eritrea : Nachrichten- und Kulturmagazin über Eritrea Selam Eritrea (Berlin) (Herausgebendes Organ) Berlin, 1995-2001 | |
Selected socio-economics indicators Central Statistical Office (Zambia) (Herausgebendes Organ) Lusaka | |
Selected statistical series Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania) (Herausgebendes Organ) Dar es Salaam, 1987- | |
SEND annual report Social Enterprise Development Foundation of West Africa (Herausgebendes Organ) Accra, 2004 | |
Seychelles Agence Presse Government Information Services (Seychelles) (Herausgebendes Organ) Victoria, 1982- (nachgewiesen) | |
She hui ke xue zhan xian : = Social science front = She-hui-k'o-hsüeh-chan-hsien Chang chun : She hui ke xue zhan xian za zhi she, 1978-, Nr. 1=1978,1(Mai) - ISSN: 0257-0246 Standort/Signatur: - GIGA, GIGA/c-00858061
| |
Shin Chūgoku nenkan = Abweichende Wortbildung des Haupttitels: Shin-Chūgoku-nenkan = Shin Chūgoku nenkan Tōkyō : Kyokutō Shoten, 1962-1966, 1962 - 1984 | |
Shinyanga regional statistical abstract Planning Commission (Tanzania / President's Office) (Herausgebendes Organ), Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania) (Herausgebendes Organ) Dar es Salaam, 1994?- | |
Sic = Zusatz teils: : revista venezolana de orientación = revista venezolana de orientación Caracas : [s.n.], 1938, 1.1938 - ; auch mit durchgehender Nr.-Zählung ISSN: 0254-1645 | |
Sigelverzeichnis für die Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Herausgebendes Organ) Berlin : DBI, 1960-2009 ISSN: 0724-2530 | |
Sindicalismo y democracia Confederazione Italiana dei Sindacati Lavoratori (Herausgebendes Organ), Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (Herausgebendes Organ), Instituto Sindical para la Cooperación con Países en Vias de Desarrollo (Santiago de Chile) (Herausgebendes Organ) Santiago de Chile, 1989- | |
Singapore Singapur Singapore : Ministry, 1970-2003, 1969(1970); 1971 - 2003 ISSN: 0129-766x | |
Singapore books in print Singapore : Council, 1979-1986, 1.1977/78(1979) - 1986; damit Ersch. eingest. ISSN: 0129-4431; 0217-734X | |
The Singapore economic review : Journal of the Economic Society of Singapore and the Department of Economics and Statistics, National University of Singapore Economic Research Centre (University of Singapore) (Herausgebendes Organ), Malayan Economic Society of Singapore (Herausgebendes Organ), National University of Singapore / Department of Economics (Herausgebendes Organ) Singapore : Malaysia Printers, 1956-1982,1982- ISSN: 0217-5908 | |
Singapore facts and pictures Singapur Singapore : Koon Wah, 1961-, 1961 - ISSN: 0217-7773 | |
Singapore yearbook of labour statistics Singapore. Ministry of Labour. Research and Statistics Division 1976-1997, [1.]1976; 2.1977(1978) - 21.1996(1997) ISSN: 0129-2420 | |
Singapore : the year in review Institute of Policy Studies Singapore : Times Acad. Press, 1991-, Nachgewiesen 1990(1991) - | |
Síntesis : anuario social, político y económico de Colombia = Nebent: Síntesis ... Colombia = Anuario social, político y económico de Colombia Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales Bogotá : TM Ed, 1993-, 1.1993 - ISSN: 0122-3054 | |
Síntesis de la economía real Centro de Estudios para la Producción (Buenos Aires) (Herausgebendes Organ) Buenos Aires : CEP | |
SIPRI yearbook : armaments, disarmament and international security = Yearbook of world armaments and disarmament Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Oxford : Univ. Press, 1969-, 1.1968/69(1970) - 2.1969/70(1970); 18.1987; [19.]1988 - [21.]1990; 22.1991 - 30.1999; [31.]2000; 32.2001 - ISSN: 0953-0282; 0579-5508; 0347-2205 | |
Situacao demografica Cabo Verde Direccao Geral de Estatistica (Cabo Verde) (Herausgebendes Organ) Praia, 1995- | |
Situation economique : Au 1er janvier ... Direction Générale de la Banque des Données de l'Etat (Madagascar) (Herausgebendes Organ) Antananarivo, 1988- Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAA, Afg 330.191.4 SI
| |
Situation economique du Senegal Direction de la Prévision et de la Statistique (Sénégal) (Herausgebendes Organ) Dakar, 1961?-1995 Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAA, Abc 330.191.4 SI
| |
Situation économique et sociale du Sénégal : Edition ... Direction de la Prévision et de la Statistique (Sénégal) (Herausgebendes Organ) Dakar, 1996- Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAA, Abc 330.191.4 SI
| |
Small arms survey Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001-2015, Ed. 1.2001; 2002 - 2015; damit Ersch. eingest. Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IMES
| |
Small business in Japan Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan) (Herausgebendes Organ) Tokyo, 1976- | |
SNV Guine-Bissau jaarplan Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers Guine-Bissau (Bissau) (Herausgebendes Organ) Bissau, ca. 1989- Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAA, Acf 330.114.1 ST
| |
So this is democracy? : report on the state of media freedom in Southern Africa = Nebent.: State of media freedom in Southern Africa Windhoek : MISA, 1994-, Nachgewiesen 1994 - | |
So this is democracy? : state of media freedom in Southern Africa = Titelzusatz 2002-2008: Report on the state of the media in Southern Africa Media Institute of Southern Africa, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Referat Afrika Windhoek, Namibia : The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), [2002?]-, 2002 [?]-. - Online-Ressource | |
Social change and development Harare : MCS Ltd., 1981- | |
Social indicators of development : SID = SID Weltbank Baltimore, Md. [u.a.] : Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1987-1996, Nachgewiesen 1987 - 1990(1991); 1991/92(1992); 1993 - 1996 ISSN: 1012-8026 | |
Social politics : international studies in gender, state, and society Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1994-, 1.1994 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 1468-2893 | |
Social Research New York/N.Y., 1934- | |
Social science Japan journal : SSJJ ; an international journal of social science research on Japan = SSJJ Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 1998-, 1.1998 - ISSN: 1369-1465 Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAS, 3/904
- GIGA-IAS, GIGA-Netz: Oxford
| |
Social science Japan journal : SSJJ = SSJJ Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 1998-, 1.1998 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 1468-2680 Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAS, GIGA-Netz: Oxford
| |
Social sciences in China : A quarterly journal Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing) (Herausgebendes Organ) Beijing : China Social Sciences in China Press, 1980- ISSN: 0252-9203 Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAS, 3/656
| |
Social sciences in China Zhong guo she hui ke xue yuan London [u.a.] : Routledge, Part of Taylor & Francis Group, 2008-, Nachgewiesen 4.1983 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 1940-5952 | |
Social Sciences : open access journal Basel : MDPI, 2012-, 1.2012 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 2076-0760 | |
Social statistics in Nigeria Federal Office of Statistics (Nigeria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Abuja, 1981?- ISSN: 0189-6067 | |
Society : Weekly newsmagazine Nairobi : Nyamora Communications Ltd., 1989-1994 | |
Sociológica Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades México : División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Sociología, 1986-2016, Año 1, número 1 (primavera 1986)-año 31, número 89 (septiembre/diciembre 2016) ISSN: 0187-0173 | |
Sociologus : journal for social anthropology Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1932-, 8.1932 - 9.1933,4; N.F. 1.1951 - 49.1999; [N.F.] 50.2000 - ISSN: 0038-0377 | |
Sojourn : journal of social issues in Southeast Asia Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Singapore : Inst, 1986-, 1.1986 - ISSN: 0217-9520 Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAS, GIGA-Netz: Muse
- GIGA-IAS, 3/817
| |
SOJOURN : journal of social issues in Southeast Asia = Titelzusatz 1986-[?]: Social issues in Southeast Asia ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Singapore : ISEAS, Yusof Ishak Institute, 1986-, 1.1986 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 1793-2858 | |
Solidarios Consejo de Fundaciones Americanas de Desarrollo (Herausgebendes Organ) Santo Domingo : CENAPEC, 1977- | |
Somaliland in figures Ministry of National Planning and Coordination (Somaliland) (Herausgebendes Organ) Hargeisa | |
Soronda : Revista de estudos guineenses Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa (Bissau) (Herausgebendes Organ) Bissau, 1986- | |
South : the Third World magazine London : South Publ. Ltd, 1980, Nr. 1.1980 - 125.1991; damit Ersch. eingest. ISSN: 0260-6976 | |
South Africa at a glance : History, politics, economy, trade, tourism, statistics Craighall : Editors Inc., 1995- | |
The South Africa Foundation review : a monthly survey of South African and international news for members = Review = The South Africa Foundation news = News South Africa Foundation Johannesburg : SAF, 1975-, 1.1975 - | |
South Africa human development report United Nations Development Programme (Herausgebendes Organ) Cape Town : Oxford Univ. Press Southern Africa, 1998- | |
South Africa international Johannesburg : Foundation, 1970, 1.1970/71 - 23.1993,4; damit Ersch. eingest. ISSN: 0015-5055 | |
South Africa survey South African Institute of Race Relations (Johannesburg) (Herausgebendes Organ) Johannesburg : IRR, 1996- ISSN: 1027-1724; 0258-7246 | |
South Africa yearbook Government Communication and Information System (South Africa) (Herausgebendes Organ) Pretoria : GCIS, 1994- ISSN: 1022-9515 | |
South Africa yearbook Südafrika Pretoria : GCIS, 1974-, 1.1974 - 12.1986; 13.1987/88 - 15.1989/90; [N.S.] 1=17.1991/92 - 3=19.1993; [3.Ser.] Ed. 1.1994 - 6.1999; 7.2000/01(2000) - 10.2003/04(2003); 12.2004/05(2004) - ISSN: 0302-0681; 1022-9515 | |
The South African development directory Human Sciences Research Council (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ), Programme for Development Research (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Braamfontein | |
The South African geographical journal Society of South African Geographers (Herausgebendes Organ) Rondebosch, 1917- ISSN: 0373-6245 | |
South African health review Health Systems Trust (Durban) (Herausgebendes Organ) Durban, 1995- ISSN: 1025-1715 | |
South African human rights and labour law yearbook Cape Town : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1990- | |
South African journal of African affairs Pretoria, 1971-1979 ISSN: 0085-638X | |
The South African journal of economics Economic Society of South Africa (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Johannesburg, 1933- ISSN: 0038-2280 | |
The South African journal of international affairs : incorporating International Affairs Bulletin South African Institute of International Affairs (Johannesburg) (Herausgebendes Organ) Braamfontein, 1993- ISSN: 1022-0461; 1938-0275 Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAA, ZS-AF
| |
South African journal of international affairs : journal of the South African Institute of International Affairs London [u.a.] : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 1993-, 1.1993/94 -. - Online-Ressource ISSN: 1938-0275 | |
South African journal of labour relations School of Business Leadership (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Pretoria, 1977- ISSN: 0379-8410 | |
South African journal on human rights Centre for Applied Legal Studies (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) (Herausgebendes Organ) Lansdowne : Juta, 1985- ISSN: 0258-7203 | |
South African labour bulletin Johannesburg : Umanyano Publications, 1974- ISSN: 0377-5429 | |
South African Monitor report : assessing and promoting civil and minority rights in South Africa South African Monitor (Herausgebendes Organ) s.l., 2013- | |
South African national bibliography State Library (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Pretoria : State Library, 1960- ISSN: 0036-0864 | |
South African outlook Cape Town : Salty Print, 1870-1996 ISSN: 0038-2523 | |
South African review Johannesburg : Ravan Press, 1983-1994 | |
South African statistics Statistics South Africa (Herausgebendes Organ) Pretoria, 1969- | |
South African yearbook of international affairs South African Institute of International Affairs (Johannesburg) (Herausgebendes Organ) Johannesburg : SAIIA, 1996-2009 ISSN: 1026-5651 | |
South America, Central America and the Caribbean London : Europa Publications, 1985- ISSN: 0258-0661 | |
South Sudan national human development report United Nations Development Programme (Herausgebendes Organ) Juba : UNDP South Sudan, 2015- | |
South-East Asia research London : Sage Publications, 1993-, 1.1993 - ISSN: 0967-828X | |
South-North dialogue in Korea Nambuk-Chojŏl-Wiwŏnhoe, Nambuk-chŏksipcha-hoedam, Südkorea. Office of the South North Dialogue Seoul : Assoc, 1973-2004, 1.1973,Juli - 69.2004; damit Ersch. eingest. Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IAS,,1-7
| |
South-West Africa & Walvis Bay telephone directory : = Telefoongids vir Suidwes-Afrika & Walvisbaai = Telefoongids vir Suidwes-Afrika & Walvisbaai 1988-, Nachgewiesen 1988/89 - | |
Southeast Asian affairs ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Singapore : ISEAS, 1974-, [1.]1974 - [19.]1992; 20.1993 - 31.2004; [32.]2005 - [38.]2011; 39.2012 - ISSN: 0377-5437 | |
Southeast Asian journal of social science = Social science Singapore : Brill, Times Academic Press, 1973-2000, 1.1973 - 28.2000 ISSN: 0303-8246 | |
The Southeast European yearbook Athen : Eliamep, 1992-1999, 1991(1992) - 1994/95(1995); 1997/98(1998) - 1998/99(1999)[?] ISSN: 1105-4166 | |
Southern Africa monthly regional bulletin Washington/D.C. : SouthScan, 1992- ISSN: 0966-8802 | |
Southern Africa record 1975, Nr. 1.1975 - 64.1992 ISSN: 0377-5445 | |
Southern Africa report Excom : Southern Africa Report Association, 1983- | |
Southern Africa report Toronto Committee for the Liberation of Southern Africa (Herausgebendes Organ) Toronto, 1985-2000 ISSN: 0820-5582 | |
Southern Africa today : The magazine for Africa Department of Foreign Affairs (South Africa) (Herausgebendes Organ) Pretoria : SA Communication Service, 1984-1992 ISSN: 0259-8981 | |
Southern Africa : SAPEM ; political & economic monthly = SAPEM = Southern Africa political & economic monthly Harare : Africa Political Economy Series (SAPES) Trust, 1987-1997, 1.1987 - 10.1996/97 ISSN: 1017-9208 | |
The Southern African development directory Human Sciences Research Council (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ), Programme for Development Research (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Braamfontein, 1997?-1999? | |
Southern African economist Southern African Development Community (Herausgebendes Organ) Harare : Southern Africa Printing and Publishing House, 1988-1995,1997-1998 ISSN: 1016-2062 | |
Southscan : a bulletin of Southern African affairs Johannesburg [u.a.] : Southscan Ltd, 1987-, 1.1987 - ISSN: 0952-7524 | |
Spektrum Universität Bayreuth (Herausgebendes Organ) Bayreuth, 1982- | |
Spektrum Iran : Zeitschrift für islamisch-iranische Kultur ; Kultur, Wissenschaft, Forschung = Išpiktrūm Īrān Nordhausen : Bautz, 1988, 1.1988 - ISSN: 0934-358X Standort/Signatur: - GIGA-IMES, ZS-NO
| |
Spore : bi-monthly bulletin of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (Wageningen) (Herausgebendes Organ) Wageningen, 1985- ISSN: 1011-0054 | |
Spotlight 1991-1997, Nachgewiesen 1991 - 1997 ISSN: 1018-0842 | |
SSR paper = Security sector reform paper = SSR papers Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Geneva : DCAF, 2011-, 2011, 1-. - 1 Online-Ressource | |
Standpunkte Vereinigung ehemaliger Entwicklungshelferinnen und Entwicklungshelfer (Herausgebendes Organ) Köln, 1991?-1996 | |
The Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs Stanford University (Stanford/Cal.) (Herausgebendes Organ) Stanford/Cal. : Stanford Univ., 1.2001-12.2012 | |
The star : International weekly Johannesburg : Gauteng Newspapers, 1972?- | |
The state of academic freedom in Africa Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (Herausgebendes Organ) Dakar : CODESRIA, 1995- | |
State of corruption report Transparency International Zambia (Herausgebendes Organ) Lusaka, 2001- | |
The state of East Africa report Society for International Development 2006-. - Online Ressource | |
State of the environment for Zanzibar Sansibar. Revolutionary Government 2004-, 1.2004/05 - | |
The state of the Ghanaian economy in ... Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (University of Ghana, Accra-Legon) (Herausgebendes Organ) Legon, 1992- | |
The state of the nation Caritas Zambia (Herausgebendes Organ), Catholic Centre for Justice, Development and Peace (Herausgebendes Organ) Lusaka, 1998?- | |
State of the nation : South Africa ... Human Sciences Research Council (Pretoria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Cape Town : HSRC Press, 2003- | |
The state of the national economy report National Planning Commission (Namibia) (Herausgebendes Organ) Windhoek | |
The state of the world's children United Nations Children's Fund (Patron) Oxford : Oxford University Pr., 1980 - ISSN: 0265-718X | |
Statement of external trade Central Statistical Office (Zimbabwe) (Herausgebendes Organ) Harare | |
Statement of external trade by commodities Central Statistical Office (Zimbabwe) (Herausgebendes Organ) Harare | |
Statement on the supplementary budget / Minister of Finance Sierra Leone. Ministry of Finance 2000-, Nachgewiesen 2000 - | |
Statement on the supplementary contingent poverty budget / Minister of Finance Sierra Leone. Ministry of Finance 2002-, Nachgewiesen 2002 - | |
Statistical abstract Republic of Kenya (Herausgebendes Organ), Central Bureau of Statistics (Kenya) (Herausgebendes Organ), Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (Herausgebendes Organ) Nairobi : Government Printer, 1966?- | |
Statistical abstract National Planning Commission (Namibia) (Herausgebendes Organ), Central Bureau of Statistics (Namibia) (Herausgebendes Organ) Windhoek : Central Bureau of Statistics | |
Statistical abstract Republic of Uganda (Herausgebendes Organ), Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (Uganda) (Herausgebendes Organ), Uganda Bureau of Statistics (Herausgebendes Organ) Kampala : UBOS | |
Statistical abstract Department of Statistics (Zanzibar) (Herausgebendes Organ) Zanzibar, ca. 1981- | |
Statistical abstract United Republic of Tanzania (Herausgebendes Organ), Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania) (Herausgebendes Organ), National Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania) (Herausgebendes Organ) Dar es Salaam, 1965- | |
Statistical abstract of the Gambia Central Statistics Department (Gambia) (Herausgebendes Organ), Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (Gambia) (Herausgebendes Organ) Banjul, 1991- | |
Statistical abstract of transportation and communications Ministry of Transportation and Communications (Republic of China) (Herausgebendes Organ) Taipei, 1973- | |
Statistical and economic information bulletin for Africa Economic Commission for Africa (Herausgebendes Organ) Addis Ababa : UNECA, 1972-1979 ISSN: 0252-5046 | |
Statistical bulletin Central Bank of Nigeria (Abuja) (Herausgebendes Organ) Abuja, 1989- | |
Statistical bulletin Bank of Ghana (Accra) (Herausgebendes Organ) Accra, 2004?- ISSN: 0855-6229 | |
Statistical bulletin Economic Community of West African States (Herausgebendes Organ) Abuja, 2000- | |
Statistical bulletin Central Statistics Office (Botswana) (Herausgebendes Organ) Gaborone : Government Printer, 1976-2002? | |
Statistical handbook of Japan Japan, Japan. Tōkeikyoku, Japan. Gaimushō Tokyo : Japan Statistical Association, 1958-, Nachgewiesen 1957(1958) - ISSN: 0081-4792 | |
Statistical information bulletin for Africa Economic Commission for Africa (Herausgebendes Organ) Addis Ababa : UNECA, 1980-1990 | |
Statistical news Central Statistical Office (Swaziland) (Herausgebendes Organ) Mababane, 1993- | |
The statistical profile of Nigerian women Federal Office of Statistics (Nigeria) (Herausgebendes Organ) Abuja, 1995- | |
Statistical release / Statistics South Africa. P 0317, October household survey = Ansetzungssachtitel: Statistical release / P 0317 = October household survey Südafrika. Statistics 1999-, 1996(1999) - | |
Statistical release / Statistics South Africa. P 9101.1 : capital expenditure by the public sector = Ansetzungssachtitel: Statistical release / P 9101.1 Südafrika. Statistics 1999-2005, 1998/2001(1999) - 2004/07(2005) | |
Statistical yearbook / Republic of Ghana; Central Bureau of Statistics Ghana, Ghana. Central Bureau of Statistics Accra : Central Bureau of Statistics, 1961-, 1.1961(1962)- ISSN: 0435-8899 | |
Statistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific = Titelzusatz 2012: country profiles = Key trends Vereinte Nationen. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok [u.a.] : ESCAP, 1973-, 6.1973 - 36.2004(2005); [N.S.] [1.]2007; 2.2008 - 3.2009; 2011 - ISSN: 0252-3655 | |
Statistical yearbook of China National Bureau of Statistics (People's Republic of China) (Herausgebendes Organ) Hong Kong : Economic Information Agency, 1982- ISSN: 0255-6766 | |
Statistical yearbook of the Republic of China Taiwan Taipei : Directorate, 1975-2015, 1975 - 2004; 2004(2005) - 2014(2015) ISSN: 0256-7857 | |
Statistical yearbook of Zimbabwe Central Statistical Office (Zimbabwe) (Herausgebendes Organ) Harare, 1985- | |
Statistics on external indebtedness : Bank and trade-related non-bank external claims on individual borrowing countries and territories ; Presented to Parliament by the Semi-annual data on claims and exchange rate adjusted changes in claims from end-19.. to mid-19. Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (Herausgebendes Organ), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Herausgebendes Organ) Paris : OECD | |
Statistik des Auslandes: Länderberichte = Länderberichte / Statistisches Bundesamt (Deutschland, BRD) Statistisches Bundesamt (Deutschland, BRD) (Herausgebendes Organ) Stuttgart : Metzler-Poeschel, 1987-1997 | |
Statistiques comparees : Periode: annee ... Société Nationale Port Autonome de Conakry (Guinée) (Herausgebendes Organ) Conakry, 1991- | |
Statistiques de l'éducation de base : annuaire ... Ministère de l'Education Nationale (Niger) (Herausgebendes Organ) Niamey, 2007?- | |
Statistiques du commerce extérieur Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie (Ouagadougou) (Herausgebendes Organ) Ouagadougou | |
Statistiques du commerce exterieur Office National de la Statistique (Mauritanie) (Herausgebendes Organ) Nouakchott, ca. 1989- | |
Statistiques du commerce extérieur : période: ... Direction Nationale de la Statistique (Guinée) (Herausgebendes Organ), Ministère du Plan (Guinée) (Herausgebendes Organ) Conakry | |
Statistisches Jahrbuch ... für das Ausland : = International statistical yearbook Deutschland. Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden : Statistisches Bundesamt, 1989-2006, [1.]1989; 2.1990 - 3.1991; [4.]1992 - [7.]1995; 8.1996 - 12.2000; 2001 - 2006 ISSN: 0938-1376 | |
Statistisches Jahrbuch ... für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland : = Statistical yearbook ... for the Federal Republic of Germany Deutschland, Deutschland. Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden : Statistisches Bundesamt, 1991-2009, 1.1991; [2.]1992 - [5.]1995; 6.1996; 1997 - 2009 ISSN: 0941-3774; 0943-5743 | |
Statistisches Jahrbuch ... für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit "Internationalen Übersichten" Statistisches Bundesamt (Deutschland) (Herausgebendes Organ) Wiesbaden, 2010-2011 | |
Statistisches Jahrbuch ... für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und für das Ausland = Statistisches Jahrbuch ... Deutschland und Internationales Statistisches Bundesamt (Deutschland) (Herausgebendes Organ) Wiesbaden, 1994-2005 | |
Statistisches Jahrbuch: Deutschland und Internationales = Statistisches Jahrbuch = Statistisches Jahrbuch Deutschland Deutschland. Statistisches Bundesamt 2012 - | |
Stats in brief Statistics South Africa (Herausgebendes Organ) Pretoria, 2000?- | |
Statusbericht : Personelle Mitarbeit des Deutschen Entwicklungsdienstes in den Gastländern, Stand ... und Förderung einheimischer Organisationen und Selbsthilfe-Initiativen vom ... Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst (Berlin) (Herausgebendes Organ) Berlin : DED, 1983-2003 | |
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